Latin American Perspectives
This journal indexed by HAPI from 1:1 (1974) --
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ISSN: 0094-582X
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- Latin American Perspectives, 51:6, Authoritarian Populism and the Rural World: Insights from Latin America and the Caribbean (Nov 2024)
- Latin American Perspectives, 51:5, Indigenous Autonomies Confronting Contemporary Capitalism: Part 2 (Sept 2024)
- Latin American Perspectives, 51:4, Indigenous Autonomies Confronting Contemporary Capitalism: Part 1 (July 2024)
- Latin American Perspectives, 51:3, Blue Economies and Ocean Grabbing in Latin America (May 2024)
- Latin American Perspectives, 51:2 (Mar 2024)
- Latin American Perspectives, 51:1, The Agrarian Question as an Ecological Question (Jan 2024)
- Latin American Perspectives, 50:6, Conflict, Memory and Conciliation (Nov 2023)
- Latin American Perspectives, 50:5, Brazil: Assessing the Past Half Decade (Sept 2023)
- Latin American Perspectives, 50:4, COVID-19 Coronavirus: Pandemic Politics In Latin America (July 2023)
- Latin American Perspectives, 50:3, Music, Politics, and Social Movements in Latin America (May 2023)
- Latin American Perspectives, 50:2, A New Dawn or a False Hope for Mexico's Left? Overcoming Neoliberal Legacies in an Uncertain World (Mar 2023)
- Latin American Perspectives, 50:1, Brazil under Bolsonaro (Jan 2023)
- Latin American Perspectives, 49:6, Social Struggle in Neoliberal Central America (Nov 2022)
- Latin American Perspectives, 49:5, Brazil: The Perils of Uncertainty (Sept 2022)
- Latin American Perspectives, 49:4, Marxism, Critical Thinking, and Andean Futures (July 2022)
- Latin American Perspectives, 49:3 (May 2022)
- Latin American Perspectives, 49:2, Reassessing Development: Past and Present Marxist Theories of Dependency and Periphery Debates: Part 2 (Mar 2022)
- Latin American Perspectives, 49:1, Reassessing Development: Past and Present Marxist Theories of Dependency and Periphery Debates: Part 1 (Jan 2022)
- Latin American Perspectives, 48:6, The Nicaraguan Crisis and the Challenge to the Internatonal Left (Nov 2021)
- Latin American Perspectives, 48:5, Popular Feminism(s): Pasts, Presents, and Futures Part 2 (Sept 2021)
- Latin American Perspectives, 48:4, Popular Feminism(s): Pasts, Presents, and Futures, Part 1 (July 2021)
- Latin American Perspectives, 48:3, Vivir bien/Buen vivir and Post-Neoliberal Development Paths in Latin America: Scope, Strategies, and the Realities of Implementation (May 2021)
- Latin American Perspectives, 48:2, Gender, Sexuality, Film, and Media in Latin America: Challenging Representation and Structures (Mar 2021)
- Latin American Perspectives, 48:1, Violence, Capital Accumulation, and Resistance in Contemporary Latin America (Jan 2021)
- Latin American Perspectives, 47:6, The Multidimensional Impact of Neoliberalism on Mexico (Nov 2020)
- Latin American Perspectives, 47:5, Social Movements in Latin America: The Progressive Governments and Beyond; Part 2 (Sept 2020)
- Latin American Perspectives, 47:4, Social Movements in Latin America: The Progressive Governments and Beyond; Part 1 (July 2020)
- Latin American Perspectives, 47:3, Calles de la Resistencia: Pathways to Empowerment in Puerto Rico (May 2020)
- Latin American Perspectives, 47:2, The Nature of the PT Governments: A Variety of Neoliberalism? Part 2 (Mar 2020)
- Latin American Perspectives, 47:1, The Nature of the PT Governments: A Variety of Neoliberalism? Part 1 (Jan 2020)
- Latin American Perspectives, 46:6, Neoliberalism and the Challenges Facing Popular Sectors (Nov 2019)
- Latin American Perspectives, 46:5, Politics, Society, and Culture in Postconflict Peru (Sept 2019)
- Latin American Perspectives, 46:4, Brazil’s Crisis of Memory: Embracing Myths and Forgetting History (July 2019)
- Latin American Perspectives, 46:3, Israel, Palestine, and Latin America: Conflictual Relationships (May 2019)
- Latin American Perspectives, 46:2, Open Veins Revisited: The New Extractivism in Latin America, Part 2 (Mar 2019)
- Latin American Perspectives, 46:1, Pink-Tide Governments: Pragmatic and Populist Responses to Challenges from the Right (Jan 2019)
- Latin American Perspectives, 45:6, Immigrants, Indigenous People, and Workers Pursuing Justice (Nov 2018)
- Latin American Perspectives, 45:5, Open Veins Revisited: The New Extractivism in Latin America (Sept 2018)
- Latin American Perspectives, 45:4, The Cold War and Latin American Studies (July 2018)
- Latin American Perspectives, 45:3, Media, Politics, and Democratization in Latin America (May 2018)
- Latin American Perspectives, 45:2, Freeing Latin America from Erroneous Theses (Mar 2018)
- Latin American Perspectives, 45:1, The Urban Informal Economy Revisited (Jan 2018)
- Latin American Perspectives, 44:6, Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking in Latin America (Nov 2017)
- Latin American Perspectives, 44:5, Democracy, Repression, and the Defense of Human Rights (Sept 2017)
- Latin American Perspectives, 44:4, The Chilean Earthquake of 2010: Challenging the Capabilities of the Neoliberal State (July 2017)
- Latin American Perspectives, 44:3, Urban Latin America: Part 3; Planning Latin American Cities: Housing and Citizenship (May 2017)
- Latin American Perspectives, 44:2, Urban Latin America Part 2: Planning Latin American Cities; Dependencies and "Best Practices" (Mar 2017)
- Latin American Perspectives, 44:1, The Legacy of Hugo Chávez (Jan 2017)
- Latin American Perspectives, 43:6 (Nov 2016)
- Latin American Perspectives, 43:5, The Resurgence of Collective Memory, Truth, and Justice Mobilizations: Artistic and Cultural Resistance (Sept 2016)
- Latin American Perspectives, 43:4, Climate Change in Latin America (July 2016)
- Latin American Perspectives, 43:3, Spirits, Bodies, and Structures: Religion, Politics, and Social Inequality in Latin America (May 2016)
- Latin American Perspectives, 43:2, Deconstructing the Post-neoliberal State: Intimate Perspectives on Contemporary Brazil (Mar 2016)
- Latin American Perspectives, 43:1, The Return of the State, New Social Actors, and Post-neoliberalism in Ecuador (Jan 2016)
- Latin American Perspectives, 42:6, China and Latin America: Processes and Paradoxes (Nov 2015)
- Latin American Perspectives, 42:5, Environmental Violence in Mexico (Sept 2015)
- Latin American Perspectives, 42:4, Dualities of Latin America (July 2015)
- Latin American Perspectives, 42:3, The Resurgence of Collective Memory, Truth, and Justice Mobilizations in Latin America (May 2015)
- Latin American Perspectives, 42:2, Argentina a Decade after the Collapse: Old and New Social Movements (Mar 2015)
- Latin American Perspectives, 42:1, Argentina a Decade after the Collapse: The Causes of the Crisis and Structural Changes (Jan 2015)
- Latin American Perspectives, 41:6, African-Descended Americans, Displacement, and Neoliberalism: Environmental Justice as a Human Right (Nov 2014)
- Latin American Perspectives, 41:5, Brazil: State and Citizens in Pursuit of National Goals (Sept 2014)
- Latin American Perspectives, 41:4, Cuba in Transition (July 2014)
- Latin American Perspectives, 41:3, Indigenous Migration in Mexico and Central America: In the Footsteps of Michael Kearney (May 2014)
- Latin American Perspectives, 41:2, Imagined Narcoscapes: Narcoculture and the Politics of Representation (Mar 2014)
- Latin American Perspectives, 41:1, Violence against Women in Latin America (Jan 2014)
- Latin American Perspectives, 40:6, Celebrating 40 Years of <i>Latin American Perspectives</i> (Nov 2013)
- Latin American Perspectives, 40:5, New Structures for Capital and Forms of Resistance (Sept 2013)
- Latin American Perspectives, 40:4, Reinventing the Lefts in Latin America: Critical Perspectives from Below (July 2013)
- Latin American Perspectives, 40:3, Latin America's Radical Left in Power: Complexities and Challenges in the Twenty-First Century (May 2013)
- Latin American Perspectives, 40:2, Urban Latin America: Violence, Enclaves, and Struggles for Land (Mar 2013)
- Latin American Perspectives, 40:1, Political Documentary Film and Video in the Southern Cone, 1950s-2000s (Jan 2013)
- Latin American Perspectives, 39:6, Tourism, Gender, and Ethnicity (Nov 2012)
- Latin American Perspectives, 39:5, Rethinking Indigenismo on the American Continent (Sept 2012)
- Latin American Perspectives, 39:4, Michelle Bachelet: The Last Concertación Government (July 2012)
- Latin American Perspectives, 39:3, Arts, Culture, and Politics: Representations of Resistance in Latin American Art (May 2012)
- Latin American Perspectives, 39:2, Arts, Culture, and Politics: Art, Activism, and Performance (Mar 2012)
- Latin American Perspectives, 39:1, Colombia's Left: Its Power, Influence, and Challenges (Jan 2012)
- Latin American Perspectives, 38:6, Questions of Power (Nov 2011)
- Latin American Perspectives, 38:5, Challenges to Social Progress in Brazil (Sept 2011)
- Latin American Perspectives, 38:4, Obama and Latin America (July 2011)
- Latin American Perspectives, 38:3, Intellectuals, Social Theory, and Political Practice in Brazil (May 2011)
- Latin American Perspectives, 38:2, Whither the Cuban Revolution? (Mar 2011)
- Latin American Perspectives, 38:1, A Second Look at Latin American Social Movements (Jan 2011)
- Latin American Perspectives, 37:6, Latin American Agricultural Cooperatives and Global Markets (Nov 2010)
- Latin American Perspectives, 37:5, Peruvian Migration in a Global Context (Sept 2010)
- Latin American Perspectives, 37:4, Bolivia Under Morales: Part 2; National Agenda, Regional Challenges, and the Struggle for Hegemony (July 2010)
- Latin American Perspectives, 37:3, Bolivia Under Morales: Part 1; Consolidating Power, Initiating Decolonization (May 2010)
- Latin American Perspectives, 37:2, Globalization, Neoliberalism, and the Latin American Coffee Societies (Mar 2010)
- Latin American Perspectives, 37:1, Paradoxes of Revolution (Jan 2010)
- Latin American Perspectives, 36:6, Solidarity (Nov 2009)
- Latin American Perspectives, 36:5 (Sept 2009)
- Latin American Perspectives, 36:4 (July 2009)
- Latin American Perspectives, 36:3 (May 2009)
- Latin American Perspectives, 36:2 (Mar 2009)
- Latin American Perspectives, 36:1 (Jan 2009)
- Latin American Perspectives, 35:6 (Nov 2008)
- Latin American Perspectives, 35:5 (Sept 2008)
- Latin American Perspectives, 35:4 (July 2008)
- Latin American Perspectives, 35:3 (May 2008)
- Latin American Perspectives, 35:2 (Mar 2008)
- Latin American Perspectives, 35:1 (Jan 2008)
- Latin American Perspectives, 34:6 (Nov 2007)
- Latin American Perspectives, 34:5 (Sept 2007)
- Latin American Perspectives, 34:4 (July 2007)
- Latin American Perspectives, 34:3 (May 2007)
- Latin American Perspectives, 34:2 (Mar 2007)
- Latin American Perspectives, 34:1 (Jan 2007)
- Latin American Perspectives, 33:6 (Nov 2006)
- Latin American Perspectives, 33:5 (Sept 2006)
- Latin American Perspectives, 33:4 (July 2006)
- Latin American Perspectives, 33:3 (May 2006)
- Latin American Perspectives, 33:2 (Mar 2006)
- Latin American Perspectives, 33:1 (Jan 2006)
- Latin American Perspectives, 32:6 (Nov 2005)
- Latin American Perspectives, 32:5 (Sept 2005)
- Latin American Perspectives, 32:4 (July 2005)
- Latin American Perspectives, 32:3 (May 2005)
- Latin American Perspectives, 32:2 (Mar 2005)
- Latin American Perspectives, 32:1 (Jan 2005)
- Latin American Perspectives, 31:6 (Nov 2004)
- Latin American Perspectives, 31:5 (Sept 2004)
- Latin American Perspectives, 31:4 (July 2004)
- Latin American Perspectives, 31:3 (May 2004)
- Latin American Perspectives, 31:2 (Mar 2004)
- Latin American Perspectives, 31:1 (Jan 2004)
- Latin American Perspectives, 30:6 (Nov 2003)
- Latin American Perspectives, 30:5 (Sept 2003)
- Latin American Perspectives, 30:4 (July 2003)
- Latin American Perspectives, 30:3 (May 2003)
- Latin American Perspectives, 30:2 (Mar 2003)
- Latin American Perspectives, 30:1 (Jan 2003)
- Latin American Perspectives, 29:6 (Nov 2002)
- Latin American Perspectives, 29:5 (Sept 2002)
- Latin American Perspectives, 29:4 (July 2002)
- Latin American Perspectives, 29:3 (May 2002)
- Latin American Perspectives, 29:2 (Mar 2002)
- Latin American Perspectives, 29:1 (Jan 2002)
- Latin American Perspectives, 28:6 (Nov 2001)
- Latin American Perspectives, 28:5 (Sept 2001)
- Latin American Perspectives, 28:4 (July 2001)
- Latin American Perspectives, 28:3 (May 2001)
- Latin American Perspectives, 28:2 (Mar 2001)
- Latin American Perspectives, 28:1 (Jan 2001)
- Latin American Perspectives, 27:6 (Nov 2000)
- Latin American Perspectives, 27:5 (Sept 2000)
- Latin American Perspectives, 27:4 (July 2000)
- Latin American Perspectives, 27:3 (May 2000)
- Latin American Perspectives, 27:2 (Mar 2000)
- Latin American Perspectives, 27:1 (Jan 2000)
- Latin American Perspectives, 26:6 (Nov 1999)
- Latin American Perspectives, 26:5 (Sept 1999)
- Latin American Perspectives, 26:4 (July 1999)
- Latin American Perspectives, 26:3 (May 1999)
- Latin American Perspectives, 26:2 (Mar 1999)
- Latin American Perspectives, 26:1 (Jan 1999)
- Latin American Perspectives, 25:6 (Nov 1998)
- Latin American Perspectives, 25:5 (Sept 1998)
- Latin American Perspectives, 25:4 (July 1998)
- Latin American Perspectives, 25:3 (May 1998)
- Latin American Perspectives, 25:2 (Mar 1998)
- Latin American Perspectives, 25:1 (Jan 1998)
- Latin American Perspectives, 24:6 (Nov 1997)
- Latin American Perspectives, 24:5 (Sept 1997)
- Latin American Perspectives, 24:4 (July 1997)
- Latin American Perspectives, 24:3 (May 1997)
- Latin American Perspectives, 24:2 (Mar 1997)
- Latin American Perspectives, 24:1 (Jan 1997)
- Latin American Perspectives, 23:4 (Fall 1996)
- Latin American Perspectives, 23:3 (Summer 1996)
- Latin American Perspectives, 23:2 (Spring 1996)
- Latin American Perspectives, 23:1 (Winter 1996)
- Latin American Perspectives, 22:4 (Fall 1995)
- Latin American Perspectives, 22:3 (Summer 1995)
- Latin American Perspectives, 22:2 (Spring 1995)
- Latin American Perspectives, 22:1 (Winter 1995)
- Latin American Perspectives, 21:4 (Fall 1994)
- Latin American Perspectives, 21:3 (Summer 1994)
- Latin American Perspectives, 21:2 (Spring 1994)
- Latin American Perspectives, 21:1 (Winter 1994)
- Latin American Perspectives, 20:4 (Fall 1993)
- Latin American Perspectives, 20:3 (Summer 1993)
- Latin American Perspectives, 20:2 (Spring 1993)
- Latin American Perspectives, 20:1 (Winter 1993)
- Latin American Perspectives, 19:4 (Fall 1992)
- Latin American Perspectives, 19:3 (Summer 1992)
- Latin American Perspectives, 19:2 (Spring 1992)
- Latin American Perspectives, 19:1 (Winter 1992)
- Latin American Perspectives, 18:4 (Fall 1991)
- Latin American Perspectives, 18:3 (Summer 1991)
- Latin American Perspectives, 18:2 (Spring 1991)
- Latin American Perspectives, 18:1 (Winter 1991)
- Latin American Perspectives, 17:4 (Fall 1990)
- Latin American Perspectives, 17:3 (Summer 1990)
- Latin American Perspectives, 17:2 (Spring 1990)
- Latin American Perspectives, 17:1 (Winter 1990)
- Latin American Perspectives, 16:4 (Fall 1989)
- Latin American Perspectives, 16:3 (Summer 1989)
- Latin American Perspectives, 16:2 (Spring 1989)
- Latin American Perspectives, 16:1 (Winter 1989)
- Latin American Perspectives, 15:4 (Fall 1988)
- Latin American Perspectives, 15:3 (Summer 1988)
- Latin American Perspectives, 15:2 (Spring 1988)
- Latin American Perspectives, 15:1 (Winter 1988)
- Latin American Perspectives, 14:4 (Fall 1987)
- Latin American Perspectives, 14:3 (Summer 1987)
- Latin American Perspectives, 14:2 (Spring 1987)
- Latin American Perspectives, 14:1 (Winter 1987)
- Latin American Perspectives, 13:4 (Fall 1986)
- Latin American Perspectives, 13:3 (Summer 1986)
- Latin American Perspectives, 13:2 (Spring 1986)
- Latin American Perspectives, 13:1 (Winter 1986)
- Latin American Perspectives, 12:4 (Fall 1985)
- Latin American Perspectives, 12:3 (Summer 1985)
- Latin American Perspectives, 12:2 (Spring 1985)
- Latin American Perspectives, 12:1 (Winter 1985)
- Latin American Perspectives, 11:4 (Fall 1984)
- Latin American Perspectives, 11:3 (Summer 1984)
- Latin American Perspectives, 11:2 (Spring 1984)
- Latin American Perspectives, 11:1 (Winter 1984)
- Latin American Perspectives, 10:4 (Fall 1983)
- Latin American Perspectives, 10:2--3 (Spring - Summer 1983)
- Latin American Perspectives, 10:1 (Winter 1983)
- Latin American Perspectives, 9:4 (Fall 1982)
- Latin American Perspectives, 9:3 (Summer 1982)
- Latin American Perspectives, 9:2 (Spring 1982)
- Latin American Perspectives, 9:1 (Winter 1982)
- Latin American Perspectives, 8:3--4 (Summer - Fall 1981)
- Latin American Perspectives, 8:2 (Spring 1981)
- Latin American Perspectives, 8:1 (Winter 1981)
- Latin American Perspectives, 7:4 (Fall 1980)
- Latin American Perspectives, 7:2--3 (Spring - Summer 1980)
- Latin American Perspectives, 7:1 (Winter 1980)
- Latin American Perspectives, 6:4 (Fall 1979)
- Latin American Perspectives, 6:3 (Summer 1979)
- Latin American Perspectives, 6:2 (Spring 1979)
- Latin American Perspectives, 6:1 (Winter 1979)
- Latin American Perspectives, 5:4 (Fall 1978)
- Latin American Perspectives, 5:3 (Summer 1978)
- Latin American Perspectives, 5:2 (Spring 1978)
- Latin American Perspectives, 5:1 (Winter 1978)
- Latin American Perspectives, 4:4 (Fall 1977)
- Latin American Perspectives, 4:3 (Summer 1977)
- Latin American Perspectives, 4:1--2 (Winter - Spring 1977)
- Latin American Perspectives, 3:4 (Fall 1976)
- Latin American Perspectives, 3:3 (Summer 1976)
- Latin American Perspectives, 3:2 (Spring 1976)
- Latin American Perspectives, 3:1 (Winter 1976)
- Latin American Perspectives, 2:4, Suppl. (1975)
- Latin American Perspectives, 2:3 (Fall 1975)
- Latin American Perspectives, 2:3 (Summer 1975)
- Latin American Perspectives, 2:2 (Summer 1975)
- Latin American Perspectives, 2:1 (Spring 1975)
- Latin American Perspectives, 1:3 (Fall 1974)
- Latin American Perspectives, 1:2 (Summer 1974)
- Latin American Perspectives, 1:1 (Spring 1974)
- Latin American Perspectives, 6:3 (Summer 1970)